The rank of Lieutenant Commander (O-4) in the Navy is indicated with three stripes encircling each sleeve; two are one-half-inch wide, and between them is a quarter-inch stripes. The bottom (closest to sleeve end) stripe is sewn on so that its bottom edge is two inches from the cuff of the sleeve, and there is one-quarter-inch of space between the stripes.
Our Lieutenant Commander sleeve lacing set comes with three 30-inch rolls of fabric, two of them a half-inch in width and the third a quarter-inch wide—enough material to craft all six stripes and still have a surfeit of lacing.
Note that this set does not come with the Line officer’s sleeve device; for the Aviation Working Uniform, this is a black five-pointed star (with green trim to match the uniform fabric) instead of the gold star used on Blue and White dress uniforms. (Note: Staff Officers displayed rank and Corps affiliation on the AWG with collar devices as opposed to sleeve stripes and devices.) Stars are centered between the front and back creases of the sleeve and sewn on 1/4-inch above the uppermost stripe.
If you’re purchasing an Aviation Green Uniform or Jacket from us and are picking up this lacing for its sleeve insignia, we suggest you opt for the convenience of our Lacing and Sleeve Deice Sewing Service. We’ll hem the sleeve length to your specification and sew on the sleeve stripes and devices in the precise locations called for in U.S. Navy regulations so your jacket is ready-to-wear the moment it arrives on your doorstep!