Because of the nature of modern communications, sailors pursuing careers in the Mass Communication Specialist (MC) rating will receiving training and education in a broad array of fields encompassing the four major techniques of delivering information and messages: video, audio, text, and graphics. At the E5 and E6 paygrades, MCs can purse a job as Photojournalist, which offers them the chance to convey a story or message combining the informative weight of carefully chosen words with the power of relevant visual imagery.

As part reporter and part photographer, an MC working as a Photojournalist is responsible for gathering facts, organizing them to fit the type of format in which they will be presented (news brief, feature article, Q&A, etc.), and then augment those stories with still photos. Often the stories will reflect current happenings at bases where they have been billeted, which places an even greater premium on accuracy in the fact-gathering stage of news development. Photojournalists who excel at producing compelling and factually sound news stories and feature articles will likely move on to editing the work of other MCs, as well as overseeing the design and layout of publications (including command publications).

Typically, Navy Photojournalists receiving work assignments from either Production Managers or Public Affairs Supervisors or Managers. But as any would-be newshound is aware, pursuing one story often uncovers another, more interesting angle or perspective, and consequently Photojournalists are also encouraged to research topics that can directly lead to new assignments.

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Mass Communication Specialist (MC) Rating Badge
Mass Communiation Specialist (MC) Ball Cap Device

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