Our Chief Petty Officer (E-7) belt buckle comes in Male and Female versions to accommodate the differences in belt width (male belts are 1.25”, female belts are 1”) formerly prescribed by Navy regulations; today, both male and female Officers and enlisted personnel alike wear 1.25" belts. We also offer the standard 1.25" version in two-inch and three-inch lengths. Of course, all versions feature the iconic Chief Petty Officer insignia of a single fouled anchor surmounted by the initialism “USN” for United States Navy.
Although a fouled anchor was employed for the cap device worn by Chief Petty Officers from 1893 to 1897, it was positioned horizontally with a spread eagle perched upon it. The CPO hat device and its insignia was first specifically mentioned in the 1897 uniform regulations, which described the letters as “U.S.N.”; the 1905 regulations spell them as “U S N.” The CPO insignia was not established as a collar device until 1959.
This gold CPO belt buckle is authorized for wear with the male Full Dress Blue/White, Service Dress Blue/White, Dinner Dress Blue/White, Service Khaki, and Summer White uniforms. Female CPOs wear gold buckles with the Service Khaki and Summer White uniforms, and both male and female Chiefs wear gold belt buckles with Coveralls, the NWU, and NWU Type III uniforms.